
Richard S. Mroz

Richard S. Mroz, Esq. has a long and distinguished career in law, government, business, and public service. His experiences as a regulator, lawyer, lobbyist, banker, corporate director, consultant and thought leader have focused on numerous issues, including energy and utility regulation, energy markets, the evolving grid, cybersecurity, water and wastewater policy, as well as infrastructure development and financing for various industries. Mr. Mroz is the immediate Past President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU), serving as Chairman and Chief Administrative Officer of the Agency, and acted as the Chief Energy Officer for New Jersey.

Mr. Mroz has held various national and regional leadership positions, including serving as Chairman of the Critical Infrastructure Committee for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), where he advanced efforts addressing cybersecurity and infrastructure improvements in the electric, gas, water and telecommunications industries. He was NARUC liaison to the Electric Sector Coordinating Council (ESCC), as well as a member of the NARUC Electricity Committee, Subcommittee on Nuclear Issues and Nuclear Waste Disposal, and a member of the NARUC Board of Directors. He was Chairman of the Organization of PJM States, Inc. (OPSI), the official organization designated by the states to interact with the regional grid and transmission organization, and a member of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Advisory Council.

Mr. Mroz is a member of the USDOE Electric Advisory Committee, which provides advice to the Department on programs and priorities on issues of the evolving grid, distributed energy resources, and reliability of the electric system, and is a member of the Smart Grid Subcommittee and Subcommittee for Defense Critical Facilities.  He is a member of the New Mexico State University Center for Public Utilities Advisory Council, and a Distinguished Corporate Fellow to the Global Resilience Institute at Northeastern University.


Meiburg, Stan

